Innovo is a leading Australian-owned provider of Intelligent Automation solutions.
With our proven track record of agility and velocity matched with innovative methods we deliver transformational business and technology solutions for our client and partners across banking & financial services, telecommunications, federal & state government agencies, transport, and retail.
For any organisation that is seeking to transform and optimise their business, technology solutions must align to, and support, quality business outcomes. This is why at Innovo we utilise our extensive business consulting background with our technological know-how to ensure optimal business outcome success for our clients and partners, one which are able to enable locally with Australia or through our delivery centres in Manila and Colombo.
Consumer Data Right (CDR) Consulting & Services
On 26 November 2017, the Australian Government announced the introduction of a consumer data right (CDR) in Australia. The CDR will give consumers greater access to and control over their data and will improve consumers’ ability to compare and switch between products and services, encouraging competition between service providers – leading not only to better prices for customers but also more innovative products and services.
This need for CDR Conformance in line with the requirement to enable constant conformance checking and for data integrity verification, has led to Innovo to develop and deployed an Intelligent Automation platform and associated service solutions specifically for multi-industry Consumer Data Right conformance verification; currently utilised by over 20 financial institutions.
Our configurable CDR Intelligent Automation solution has been developed in partnership and utilising the UiPath product suite.

CDR Definitions
- CD Standards
- API Endpoints
- API Parameters
- API Schemas
- Register API’s
- Status Codes

CDR Conformance Solution
- Mock Register
- Mock Data Recipient
- Mock Data Holder
- CDR Automation Framework
- Configuration
- Test Scripts
- Reporting Engine

Data Holder
- Data Holder Platform
- Test Data
- Core Data Platform
- Conformance Solution Integration

- Conformance Test result
- Conformance Test issues
- Test Execution Logs

CDR Conformance Tests
Full suite of Conformance tests across all elements of I.T. Standards, aligned to ACCC conformance requirements
Intelligent Automation
Intelligent Automation solution utilising UiPath platform suite, enabling velocity and repeatability for conformance validation across all ACCC mandated standard elements.
CDR Subject Matter Experts
CDR Compliance and Test experts, experienced in all facets of CDR conformance validation, with multiple years experience delivering CDR compliance verification to over 20+ clients to date.