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The Importance of TDM and Obfuscated Data in Testing and Development

Jul 17, 2024

Introduction Test Data Management (TDM) is essential in software development and testing, ensuring data used in non-production environments is secure, relevant, and compliant with regulations. With the increasing emphasis on data security and privacy, the need to use obfuscated data during testing and development has never been more critical. Why Use Obfuscated Data? Data Security: […]

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Revolutionising Legacy Software Testing with AI-driven Solutions: A Professional’s Guide

May 22, 2024

Legacy software testing has always been a challenging task for professionals in the industry. With outdated frameworks and complex coding structures, ensuring the quality and efficiency of these systems has often been a time-consuming and error-prone process. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, software development and testing teams face immense pressure to deliver high-quality products at […]

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The search for the Golden Path

Mar 27, 2024

Pursuing the “Golden Path” in DevOps represents an aspirational journey towards achieving operational excellence. This metaphorical “Paved Road” epitomises a state of DevOps where development and operational processes coexist and thrive in a seamless, efficient, and highly automated ecosystem. The tangible outcomes of this ideal state are manifested through the rapid, reliable, and repeatable delivery […]

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Exploring the Impact of Intelligent Automation and AI on Software Testing and Delivery

Feb 26, 2024

Integrating automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in software development reshapes how organisations approach software testing and delivery. This change is particularly significant for deploying complex software, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or core banking systems. It affects various global software delivery methodologies that impact organisations, including Agile, DevOps, and the Waterfall model. AI and […]

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Advancing Small Business Financing: The Role of AI Document Processing

Sep 29, 2023

Introduction Businesses are continuously striving to streamline their operations and enhance productivity. One crucial aspect of this endeavour is the management of documents and data. This is where Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) comes into play. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of IDP, its solutions, and the numerous benefits it offers to businesses looking […]

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Enhancing Customer Experience in the Age of AI: Unleashing the Power of Customer Experience Automation

Jun 13, 2023

Abstract As technology continues to advance, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various industries is becoming increasingly prevalent. In the realm of customer experience, AI has the potential to revolutionise the way businesses interact with their customers. This article explores the impact of AI on customer experience, examining its benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations. […]

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What Is Cognitive Automation?

May 10, 2023

Cognitive automation refers to the use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics to automate routine tasks, analyse data, and provide real-time insights. Combining the best of AI and automation to mimic human intelligence with the processing power of machines it’s helping organizations streamline and scale operations like […]

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Revolutionising Healthcare: Six Effective Process Improvement Strategies

Apr 20, 2023

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and effective process improvement strategies are crucial for healthcare providers to ensure optimal patient care. Below, we’ll discuss various approaches leveraging AI, IA, and machine learning that healthcare providers can adopt to transform the delivery of care in the emergency department to improve customer satisfaction and outcomes and profits […]

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The impact of AI on the future of Insurance

Mar 24, 2023

According to estimates from McKinsey, AI investments will drive up to $1.1 trillion in value for the insurance industry annually. The bulk of this value ($888.1 bn) will come from marketing and sales, but it will span all facets, from risk to operations to finance & IT to HR. But what exactly will AI look […]

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The Role of Automation in the Transformation of Aged Care

Feb 07, 2023

According to the World Health Organisation, the world’s 60 years and older population will roughly double. That will put significant pressure on the aged care industry to scale operations to care for an aging population while upholding care standards and running efficient and profitable organisations. One of the ways service providers can achieve this is […]

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Is Digital Transformation Dead? Our Thoughts For 2023

Jan 10, 2023

As any CIO, CTO, or technology-conscientious business leader is aware; digital transformation has been one of the chief driving forces behind organisational change for the last decade or more. In fact, you’re probably one of the 70% of organisations with a digital transformation strategy or are actively developing one. The drive to remain competitive and stay ahead […]

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Organisational change and savings through the creation of Automation hubs in centralised technology platforms

Oct 31, 2022

Automation is a central component of most organisations’ digital transformation strategy today. While stakeholders at all levels are eager to reap the benefits of automation, synchronising, collaborating, and managing automation across all parallel automation initiatives is a significant challenge. If that sounds familiar, then your next step should be utilising an automation hub to manage […]

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